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Here is a demonstration of a set of campaigns carried out over the last few years. A mix of campaigns such as monthly experiences or more specific or temporary ones like limited editions, kits or collaborations with other brands.

The art direction of each campaign is usually linked to the monthly theme, and we try to approximate it so that there is a fairly solid coherence.

The elaboration of the props is usually done within the department as a DIY. Adjusting to the monthly budget for the shooting.

The aim of having a good art direction is that the user connects with the theme through the product and its aesthetics. During the last few years we have started to collaborate with models in order to humanise the brand.

︎Execution and Plannification of AD for monthly shooting.

BARCELONA @ 2015 - 2022

“My first relationship executing and developing shootings,
was seven years ago when we decided to elevate the brand, start investing in more resources, and take care of the detail,that's when
my curiosity towards art direction started.

I had no idea what it was to coordinate,
execute and produce a shooting, and little by little I learned how to improve in processes, also the importance between objects, colors, and props, and how harmony and balance is generated in the image. It took me a while to detect mini details that could affect the image and from there I was getting better in composition. I am very happy to have delved into this world so unknown to me so long ago. Now I can say that it is one of my passions